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Where in the world can you speak Portuguese?

Nations with Portuguese as an official language

Sovereign states

  • Angola

  • Brazil

  • Cabo Verde

  • Timor-Leste

  • Equatorial Guinea

  • Guinea-Bissau

  • Mozambique

  • Portugal

  • São Tomé and Príncipe


  • Macau



With a population of over 212 million, Brazil is by far the world's largest Portuguese-speaking nation and the only one in the Americas. Portuguese was introduced during the Portuguese colonial period. Portuguese has also served as a lingua franca between the various ethnic groups in Brazil and the native Amerindian population after the Jesuits were expelled from every Portuguese territory and the languages associated with them prohibited.

Portuguese is the first language of the overwhelming majority of Brazilians, at 99.5%.

The form of Portuguese spoken in South America is somewhat different from that spoken in Europe, with differences in vocabulary and grammar that can be compared to the differences between American and British English but with somewhat different phonology and prosody from the remaining Portuguese-speaking countries. Nevertheless, European and Brazilian Portuguese are completely mutually intelligible

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